by After Dark Studios Ltd
Piombo Re Thorund il Wurmhewer e il suo clan di nani contro il impennata Goblin rivolta ! Imparare S...
Piombo Re Thorund il Wurmhewer e il suo clan di nani contro il impennata Goblin rivolta ! Imparare Scacchi il modo facile e divertente con le sfide uniche in campagna per giocatore singolo come i vostri Nani faccia Warg Riders , Goblin Raiders , Cannon Trolls , bombe , mortai , e trappole ! Poi mettetevi in Giocatore online vs Player ( PvP) o come l'esercito dei Nani o Goblin !Il primo gioco del suo genere , Nani scacchi utilizza il nucleo di dipendenza degli scacchi combinato con 3d pezzi di fantasia , bordi , sfondi e movimenti alternativi per scatenare nuove strategie in questo antico gioco ! Ottima per i giocatori età 9-90 , livelli basati su Minesweeper , Sobokan , battaglie navali e gli assedi Outpost introdurre nuovi giocatori al divertimento sfida di scacchi , ma i livelli di difficoltà diversi sfideranno i padroni !
- Campagna Dwarven : 8 sfide uniche con 24 livelli !- Goblin Campagna: 7 sfide uniche con 23 livelli!- 30 unici personaggi 3D- 15 unici Sfondi 3D- Modalità da tavolo in standard e le regole Nani Scacchi- Gioca contro l'IA del computer in standard o di scacchi "regole Nani "- Gioca giocatore online vs giocatore in standard o " regole Nani " Gli scacchi !- Se ti piace The Hobbit , Game of Thrones , e Il Signore degli Anelli , vi innamorerete di Dwarven Scacchi ! !
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Lead King Thorund the Wurmhewer and his clan of Dwarves against the surging Goblin uprising! Learn Chess the fun and easy way through unique challenges in single player campaign as your Dwarves face Warg Riders, Goblin Raiders, Cannon Trolls, bombs, mortars, and traps! Then challenge yourself in Online Player vs Player (PvP) as either the Dwarven or Goblin army!
The first game of its kind, Dwarven Chess uses the addictive core of Chess combined with 3d fantasy pieces, boards, backgrounds and alternate moves to unleash new strategies in this ancient game! Great for players ages 9-90, levels based on Minesweeper, Sobokan, naval battles, and outpost sieges introduce new players to the fun challenge of Chess, but varying difficulty levels will challenge the masters!
- Dwarven Campaign: 8 unique challenges with 24 levels! - Goblin Campaign: 7 unique challenges with 23 levels! - 30 unique 3D Characters - 15 unique 3D Backgrounds - Table-top mode in Standard and Dwarven rules Chess - Play vs the computer AI in Standard or "Dwarven Rules" Chess - Play online player vs player in Standard or "Dwarven Rules" Chess!!! - If you like The Hobbit, Game of Thrones, and Lord of the Rings, you'll love Dwarven Chess!!!!- Possibly the most in- depth Chess Variant the app world has ever seen!!!!
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If you like strategy and RPG games, or even turn-based MMOs and MMORPGs, then Dwarven Chess could be your new favorite! Fantasy characters including Zombies, Vampires, Dragons, Demons, Dwarves, Elves, Orcs and Goblins come into play via single player challenges across the entire world map. With 3D backgrounds involving castles, bear clan camps, volcanos, desert sand traps, Sobokan docks and Minesweeper naval battles, the intensity of the Dwarven defense has to grow as the Goblin rush joins forces with the Orcs and goes on the offense! But you can play as both! Inspired by games like Magic the Gathering, Warcraft, Dungeons and Dragons, and the books and show Game of Thrones, Dwarven Chess is a 3D chess variant made for all fantasy fans to experience the magical strategy of chess combined with kingdoms at war through multiplayer battles and extensive online player vs player!